How Meditation and Yoga Saved Me (One way of many)

Hey. Hi. I'm Back.

Let's Get Into It.

Quite honestly, I don't personally know anyone who actually lights up and gets excited when they have to go to a doctor, dentist, or medical appointment. If you are of the rare breed who does enjoy attending such appointments, or are studying in the field, these locations tend to be ones most would avoid stepping foot into at all costs. 

First and foremost, I do believe and acknowledge that it is an incredible blessing to have access to healthcare and dental care. I am speaking from my own experience, and the personal struggles I have always had ingrained within me around doctor/dental offices. I'm not certain where any of my medical phobias began, but I've always been very intuitive with my lifestyle and how I'd like to live my own life rather than being told how to live my life. I think I had always been stubborn in that sense. 

Everyone is different, and everyone's experiences are different. Here is mine:

In the summer of 2012, I had four wisdom teeth removed. At the same time. I did not go under for this procedure (no clue how I did this!) 
What should have been a mere 3 weeks of recovery turned out to be almost 2-3 months time. Without going into drastic details, I ended up having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic (which I definitely do not enjoy taking in the first place) that caused mouth and gum bleeding all night to about 30 hours since my dentist was not awake of course, and the ER did not help much. I then had a lymph infection, and endured a lot of trauma.

Fast forward a few years, everything mouth wise is going great. No cavities, cleanings regularly, and I am not afraid to admit that I actually love/enjoy brushing my teeth and rinsing multiple times a day. 😌

A few dentist visits within the last year began mentioning that a few of my bottom teeth had gum deterioration. This can be caused from several sources, but mine was said to be genetic or tongue/jaw placement at night while I sleep. I sort of brushed this idea off since the procedure to help fix this would take me away from what I love most (acting, singing, dancing) for up to two weeks. I had consultations, and always just took in the information thinking there were other ways...until there were not. 

I decided to take it upon myself to look even further into the why behind what I was being told to do, and sought out the who, whom I would trust with this. Key word being trust. Key why being: I could loose my teeth and lead to even further problems and dental work down the road --- not fun!

Through out this journey I was definitely frustrated. Once I found my selected surgeon, I had to complete several tasks (blood tests, vitamin intakes, laser cleanings, and more) prior to the procedure itself--that I was already not looking forward to. All of the other consultations I had gone to were ready to go when I was it seemed.. no prior results needed!?!? 

Now that I have had the procedure, I am 100% THANKFUL this dental doctor crossed my path. It makes sense. If my vitamin levels and gums were truly not ready with lab proven results.. why would I go through with this procedure right then and there? I was also grateful they were on my side with what I felt comfortable doing. Many mainstream dentists were telling me that I would need to take harsh drugs and medicine to "combat" my symptoms. It still is crazy to me how many doctors will push their ways of what they "know from school etc" to everyone without trying alternative less harsh approaches before taking the more well-known and drastic approach. My doctor and I both believe in the power of Holistic and plant medicine first, and I can definitely say in my experience, plants have played a major role in my healing journey thus far in addition to plant liposomal supplementation. 

How I handled it:

I was very fortunate that my Mother came into town to help drive and care for me post-procedure. I crafted a music playlist for myself, and went in the room without looking at the table tray of utensils. I came with an eye mask, put my headphones on, held a crystal jewel, laid back, and let the music take me away.
Instantly I was transported into a meditative state with the music in shavasanah Śavāsana (a corpse pose in yoga, eventually leadinng to a re-birth upon waking). Through out the whole process, I have no idea what dreamland I wandered around, but what I kept saying  subconsciously to myself was, "I trust them." My belly breathing principals, meditation, and yogic mindset really got me through. Next thing I know, I am sitting up right two hours past the time I laid back. "The procedure went perfectly," they said. "You did amazing."         What?

Often times I wondered "Why am I taking yoga so much? Yes, it helps me as an artist, clear my mind, and relax, and yes I know you can use the principles in everyday life but.." But this was one of the first times I realized how prevalent my meditation and yoga practice helped in this real life reality experience.

It also allowed me to step outside myself and see the. bigger picture in all industries. There needs to be a level of trust when a director hires a talent, and there also needs to be a level of trust when a doctor agrees to help you, and you agree to let them.

So Here I AM:

Currently, I am resting and healing. Thankfully, my juicing and hydration supplementation buddies are coming to the rescue. My swelling is not too bad either at the moment. It does still bother me that I cannot speak or sing for a while, but maybe this is another way I can practice in life. A time to meditate on what the here and now is. What meditation has taught me, and continues to teach me. 

More recipe posts to come! But for now...

N A M A S T E 💜


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