Welcome {back} to N E W Y O R K

I will always remember the very first time I visited New York City. I was sixteen years old, and it was the lovely, ever humid, month of July. 

Little did I know, that this one week talent convention, would establish preparation for my career and future life in general.

Each day consisted of showcasing my prepared work (self-composed monologues, commercial copy, runway, and composed songs to name a few), along with meetings and masterclasses with top industry professionals.

 I was up around 5:30am and going strong until about 11:30pm-midnight each day. I would get about five hours of sleep due to the schedule, and could barely sleep either way since we were staying in midtown. Who needs sleep when you're in NYC?!

I loved every minute of it. Doing what I loved each and every day. Meeting incredible people from all around the world. Meeting some representation that I would go on to be with and grow with throughout all of these years! I truly wouldn't trade that time for anything. It taught me a lot about myself, and what was expected. 

 After a lot of back and forth traveling through out the years;

I am back in the city for the time being! 🙋


That being said.....

What exactly does a busy performing artist need in order to function throughout the day of castings, dance classes, voice lessons, rehearsals, and just a tad bit of "personal" time?

 #1 Water

When I wake up, I instantly head toward my mason jar, and fill it to the top! I like to take in at least 30-40 oz of water in the morning. If I have more time, I try for more! Water is so important to cleanse and re-set our systems after a night's sleep. It helps me feel refreshed and ready to start a new day! I also LOVE adding in fresh lemon, raspberry electrolytes, orange, or infused cucumber and lime into my waters as well.


#2 Nutrition 

I fortunately grew up eating a very healthy and organic diet. I have now been a vegan for about eight and a half years now, and absolutely love it. I would say 94% of my foods are pure raw fruits and veggies, but I don't put a label on what sort of vegan I am. I like to have cooked foods and yummy vegan gluten free desserts every now and then! ;) ...Okay...often.

I love Starfruit and Strawberries together! I also pack a fresh juice or trusted store bought organic juice for a snack later on!

 #3 Exercise

Even on my most busiest days, I make it a priority to get some form of movement in. I am a fitness guru, who many call crazy, BUT. I believe I function and focus better throughout my day if I give time to myself both physically and mentally. I enjoy dance cardio, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, running, cycling, and even just walking! You do not need to slave away in the gym for two hours every day, but doing something to open up your lungs and bring clarity to your well being is super important for longevity. It also helps to have a friend or fitness buddy to hold each other accountable. :) Or...a cute new outfit.

#4 Sleep

Sometimes, well, a lot of times, sleep is not ideal when I have scripts to read, jobs taking place, or cleaning that needs to be completed. Yet, when times like these arise, I know that this is when I especially need to take sleep more seriously and move it to the top of the list. If I do not get enough rest, how will I even be able to function in order to complete my tasks at hand? 
I try to get at least 6-7 hours (more would be amazing, and I do so when I am able to!) of sleep each night. I can definitely feel the difference the next day if I get in adequate rest.

...So what happens when you get two auditions at 9:00pm that are 5-10 pages long in sides for the next day? Oh, and have to work that side job at 5:30am, leaving you barely enough time to rush uptown to the casting office? And let's not forget, you need to bring all of your outfits, plan commute time, and make sure you're home in time for that class you paid your hard-earned $$ for that goes until 11:00pm.


Those nights call for the Alexander Technique 
I first discovered this amazing technique in drama school, and it has been a life saver! 
Click on the above link to learn more! 

I'll be doing more in depth posts on ALL of these topics in the future! 

Until next time...
~*T H E R E S A  


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